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Did you know...

Nursing Newborn

Every 13 months of breastfeeding reduces the risk of Ovarian Cancer by 63%.

— Extended breastfeeding reduces the risk of ovarian cancer | OCRA. (2019, December 30). OCRA

Mental health conditions were the leading cause of maternal mortality in the US from 2008-2017.

— CDC.(2019) Pregnancy-Related Deaths: Data from 14 U.S. Maternal Mortality Review Committees, 2008-2017

Pregnant Woman
Smiling Baby

Breastfeeding reduces the mothers long-term risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and breast/ovarian cancer.

— Stordal B. (2023). Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer: A call for action in high-income countries with low rates of breastfeeding. Cancer medicine, 12(4), 4616–4625.

"Evidence-based childbirth education helps improve maternal and childbirth outcomes by reducing requests for elective cesarean by 35 percent and unplanned cesarean birth rates by 28 percent."

Gao, Y., Tang, Y., Tong, M., Du, Y., Chen, Q. (2019). Does attendance of a prenatal education course reduce rates of caesarean section on maternal request? A questionnaire study in a tertiary women hospital in Shanghai, China. BMJ Open, 9(6).

Pregnant Woman and Partner

Take Charge of Your Journey

Childbirth education classes can be an essential tool for anyone planning to give birth or become a birth partner. Our classes offer comprehensive information about labor, birth, and postpartum, based on the most up-to-date research and best practices. With our expert instructors, you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to make informed decisions, reduce fear and anxiety, and increase your confidence and satisfaction with your birth experience.


At Bonded Birth, we understand the struggles and joys that come with pregnancy, birth, and beyond. That’s why we offer a range of live and online courses designed to provide expert support and guidance to new and expectant parents. Our interactive activities and informative lectures are led by experienced professionals who are passionate about helping parents-to-be navigate this exciting journey.

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